How to prepare for an installation of a concrete mixing plant beforehand?

There are certain measures you need to take care of before the installation starts. These are:

1. Water and electrical connections

Make sure the water and electrical connections are installed before the plant installation starts. Check whether the fuse size of the electrical connection and the water supply are adequate. If public utilities don’t provide the required power/water it needs to be considered to use an electric generator and/or a buffer tank for water.

2. Foundations

The foundations need to be built taking into account the local conditions and the static loads of the concrete mixing plant.

Some concrete mixing plants require a low ramp for filling the aggregate bins only, which reduces both taken up space as well as wheel loader operation costs. If the ground is stable it might be sufficient to just put the plant on a steel frame or on concrete slabs.

Other plants might need underground structures, high above-ground foundations as well as high and long ramps, automatically increasing the investment.

concrete batching plant,
concrete batching plant,

3. Materials

All materials needed to produce concrete must be available in time and with the required amount. This is important, especially if the production shall start immediately after the installation work is done.

4. Space

Make sure there is enough space on the plot for the plant and all devices used for the installation, such as for the mobile crane. If so, the installation can be carried out as smoothly as possible and no extra time will be needed for unexpected measures. The average space requirement e. g. for a mobile concrete mixing plant is 20 x 50 mete