The relationship of asphalt mixer plant to road construction quality

The correct use of the asphalt mixer plant is directly related to the quality, progress and benefits of the road construction projects. The maintenance and repair of road construction machinery like asphalt mixing plant is the guarantee for the completion of production tasks. Correct handling of the use and maintenance of asphalt mixer machinery is a crucial issue for mechanized construction of modern highway construction companies. Haomei machinery share how to use the road construction asphalt mixing plant machinery correctly with you.

The rational use of road construction asphalt mixing plant to maximize its potential is requirement of highway mechanized construction companies, and maintenance and repair are the prerequisites for maximizing the benefits of asphalt mix plant. In recent years, during the construction of highway mechanization, according to the principle of “pay equal attention to both use and maintenance”, changed the previous emphasis on the use of machinery in construction and did not pay attention to the maintenance of machinery. Many easily discoverable problems were ignored, resulting in some small problems became big problems, and some of them even scrapped in advance. This not only greatly increased the cost of mechanical maintenance of the asphalt mixer plant, but also delayed construction period, and some even caused project quality problems. In view of this situation, formulated and determined the maintenance contents of each class on the mechanical management and urged the implementation. At the end of each month, mandatory maintenance is performed for 2-3 days, so that many failures are eliminated before they occur.

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