How long is the total delivery time of the mobile concrete mixing plant?

The total delivery time includes manufacturing, transportation, installation, commissioning and start of production. If only the manufacturing time is taken into account, the most important steps are ignored: commissioning and start of production.

concrete batching plant,
concrete batching plant,

Suppliers offer different delivery and installation times. The delivery time depends largely on whether the concrete mixing plant will be installed completely at the construction site or completely or at least partly pre-installed at the factory. The installation time for some concrete mixing plants is as long as the actual manufacturing period i.e. several months. Installations often have to take place when it is raining or freezing, conditions that lead to increased crane and personnel costs. A good reason to rather purchase a concrete mixing plant, which already is pre-installed, assembled and tested at the factory to reduce the installation time at the site.

The manufacturing time for a standard concrete mixing plant usually varies between six and sixteen working weeks. If the concrete mixing plant modules are manufactured according to transport dimensions, it is quite easy and cheap to transport the plant to the installation site as well as moving it from one location to another.

Installation, commissioning and start of production of a modern, so called factory assembled concrete mixing plant usually takes 3-8 days. The installation time is short because in this case the equipment, thermal insulations, pipelines and electrical cables are assembled and tested beforehand at the factory. The modules and equipment only need to be connected to each other during the assembly phase and, if the connection is done by using quick connectors, the installation can be done very fast.

If a plant need to be assembled at the building site piece by piece, the installation can take two or even three months. More personnel is needed, cranes and other equipment have to be available at the construction site more or less throughout the full installation period, which significantly increases the costs.

Wall support structures and thermal insulations must be assembled after the installation of the main equipment. In addition it could cost some additional time, if the filling ramp to the aggregate bins had to be built high up.