How to troubleshoot a concrete mixing plant "health" prob

How to troubleshoot a concrete batching plant "health" problems
How to troubleshoot a concrete batching plant “health” problems

Routine maintenance of concrete batching plant is good, it wouldn’t have a greater impact in the annual “healthy” factor. Inspection of concrete mixing station, you need to pay attention to what detail?

1. engineering equipment gear grinding of concrete mixing station to check;

2. all bolts sector check, overhaul time after 3,000-4,000 hours of work;

3. blade of concrete mixing station to check, could continue regulating the use, when fixing screws exposed surface of the lining of the lining, it should replace the liner;

4. damage of concrete mixing plant equipment were strict checks; for water supply, additional system monitoring, there must be no leaks occurred;

Concrete mixing station supporting components like motors and gear motors, cylinders, vibration, air filter in accordance with the General and manufacturers list the requirements for maintenance and repair.