Raw material site division of concret mixing plant should meet four requirements

General knowledge of raw material site planning for concrete mixer is as follows:

concrete mixing plants
concrete mixing plants

One concret mixing plant is equipped with 1-2 pools, which can ensure the mixing work and mechanical cleaning of the concret mixing plant . A production line should be equipped with at least 2 suitable cement tanks, 4 good ones, which should be used in turn and supplemented timely to meet the production needs of the concret mixing plant without overstock of cement.
Screw transfer pump and concrete layout
Sand and stone heaps
The yard area should be large enough to meet the needs of project consumption and to facilitate the organization of feeding supplement; Sand and stone area stacked, to prevent mixing caused by material proportion is not allowed; Equipped with loading truck to feed materials and stacking sand and stones separately; The site shall be hardened to facilitate loading by loading trucks and prevent dirt and other sundries from entering the material.
Cistern, cement tank, fly ash and admixture
If the concret mixing plant is equipped with mixed concrete, then it is necessary to pay attention to another point: large volume and pumping concrete generally need to add fly ash and admixtures, according to the situation of the site placed separately, in order to facilitate the use of appropriate.
The concrete mixer network of fangtai construction machine indicates that the concrete conveying pump is generally arranged in front of the mixer and connected with the pump pipe to the pouring ground on the basis of meeting the conveying distance and height and the supply of concrete. Can also be placed near the pouring place, with concrete mixing truck to pump. Whether the raw material site planning of concrete mixing plant is reasonable will affect the production efficiency of concret mixing plant and the management in the future.